SANDRA DEE RICHARDSON Actor-Producer-Business Professional
SANDRA DEE RICHARDSONActor-Producer-Business Professional 


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                     s://                                            q=sandra+dee+richardson&cx=003281041504712504013%3Ama8kxnaa1hu&cof=FORID%3A11&ie=UTF-8&search_type%5B%5D=site


9/23/17 CFAA
7/17/17 Acting Auditions


 Rotten Tomatoes Celebrities
6/16/17 FamousFix


Keith Andrew Network​


11/24/15 Shirley Ann interviews Sandra Dee​
4/10/15 Maria Rochelle interview on Linkedin​


YoursHumanly Sandra Dee as a spokeswoman


August 14, 2014 - Sandra Dee as spokeswoman for YoursHumanly.

I believe that it takes only a few minutes or a few dollars out of your life to make a big difference in the lives of others.  When that time and money is multiplied by thousands of individuals, it could mean saving a life or empowering one to strive to live a better life. My mission is to touch millions of lives not only through the Arts, but through giving back to those less fortunate than myself.  One of the organizations I have chosen to support is  

July 23, 2014  Sandra Dee supports Child Literacy by accepting PSA for Yours Humanly, a nonprofit organization that supports child literacy.

April 1, 2014 - Sandra Dee Stars in Feature Film, Never Alone

"A job well done... Top-rate"

From the moment I started reading the book I was captivated.  There are lots of plot action twists that took me back in time.  It was hard to put down!
Jerri Robinson
University Administrator, Illinois

A captivating novel that takes readers on an unforgettable journey and brings the past to life in a way no history book has done. A must read for all students studying American or African history.  
Terri Dobson
"A job well done... Top-rate"

From the moment I started reading the book I was captivated.  There are lots of plot action twists that took me back in time.  It was hard to put down!
Jerri Robinson
University Administrator, Illinois

A captivating novel that takes readers on an unforgettable journey and brings the past to life in a way no history book has done. A must read for all students studying American or African history.  
Terri Dobson

February 25, 2013 - Sandra Dee, the first African American Actress to play the President of the United States in Film - Forest of Eden a Sci-fi movie released September 1, 2014. 

Public Service Announcements on Child Sexual Abuse


Sandra Dee was cast as a spokeswoman for Public Service Announcements denouncing sexual abuse of children. The PSA's will bring due attention to this sensitive topic and will hopefully encourage those who have been abused to speak up for their rights.


Press Releases & Media

July 2014 - Director Nancy Hamilton Myers on film Never Alone Starring Sandra Dee

April 1, 2012 - Sandra in Outskirts Press 

August 2012       Featured on the cover of ​Sac Observer 8/2-8/8

August 2012       Sac Observer 8/9-8/15

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